Make Me Maid of Honor: Meet the Bridesmaids


So confession time: I play the Sims. I play the Sims A LOT. I have tried quitting multiple times, and I even managed it for about a year and a half once, but I wound up back at it again eventually. I wrote the first generation of a Sims 3 Bring Me to Life Challenge (dare I show this 2013-2015 project to my friends and family? Eh, yeah, sure, I dare.) and had an absolute BLAST doing it. It was like writing a graphic novel, and that's always been my favorite thing about the Sims. I can create the characters in my head and make pretty pictures. 

Anyway, I decided to try out my photoshooting skills in Sims 4 for a change. Dang it, it's so much harder than in the Sims 3! You. Can't. Move. Sims. In. Build. Mode. I'm sure Sims 4 legacy writers and machinima creators have figured out a cheat or a fix, but I've been out of the community so long and I didn't feel like rushing into a group of internet strangers and shouting, "HEY! QUESTIONS!!!!" Maybe next week.

But here they are, my Make Me Maid of Honor bridesmaids! All primped and ready to slay the horde. Each of them has a secret superpower, and none of them know what theirs is. Can you figure it out before they do?

Meet Cheyenne Conaway

Seventeen-year-old cousin to the bride, Cheyenne loves nail polish, make-up, YouTube beauty vloggers, jewelry, dresses, cooking, baking, shopping, and event planning. She's elated to use her superior bargain-hunting skills to keep the bride in budget and beyond thrilled to be stylizing the bridesmaid look. What's her superpower? Hint: it's not bargain-hunting.

Meet Pearl Conaway

Twenty-two-year-old cousin to the bride (From the other uncle, naturally), Pearl spends her days teaching high school dance classes and leading evening Pilates groups. Despite her best efforts, Pearl doesn't retain a lot of friends. She feels like people run away from her. Except for her long-time aspiring military boyfriend, Pearl really doesn't get close to people. What's keeping them away? Could it have something to do with her secret power?

Meet Annabella French

Seventeen-year-old sister to the bride and maid of honor, Annabella is a proud militant feminist. She learned to ride a bike when she was five, and hasn't hopped off since, refusing to learn to drive. Her best friend Brody's bruises attest to her athletic ability. Annabella loves Jiu Jitsu, shoot-em-up video games, and being snarky. And she's not gonna be happy when she learns what her superpower is.

Subscribe to Make Me Maid of Honor on Sequel here. Chapter Two: Save the Bride releases Monday.


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