NaNoWriMo 2020: Passing 10,000

 Right outta the gate, I felt like I was doing well.

This week did not go all that well. 😂

I managed an average of just 1,000 words a day for three days. On Thursday, I only managed 356 words. I have all the excuses. Work's been extremely draining. I start super early and I grind for nine hours. After that, it's so hard to find the motivation to write.

But I promised myself that Friday, my day off, would be catch-up day and guess what? I managed 3,637 words today! WHOOOO HOOOO! And I *officially* have the 10k words badge. 

During the worst part of the lockdown, I wasn't able to go to coffee shops and do my regular coffee-shop writing sessions. I wrote the majority of HANG ON at Starbucks locations. It's good to see stuff opening back up and with things opening up, I have the ability to go out and write again! For me, being away from home in a new location is super motivating.

Yesterday started out as a pretty tough day. Two tough calls before noon. One guy, understandably very upset and not much I could do other than what had already been done. Then there was this guy:

Despite the low word count and the tough calls, I managed to have a really great day on Thursday, and I was able to end Friday with a 3K+ word bang.

Still a ways to catch up, but NaNo is once again going well. I look forward to a half day of writing tomorrow. 


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