On your mark... get set... NOVEL!

I came to awareness in a dark, warm place. Floating on the edge of an expanse. Vibrations thrummed through me, and though I was confused, I felt safe. I was wrapped up tight in a smooth, red blanket. I heard snippets of voices, and I felt like I could recognize some of them. Dad. Mom. I wanted to call out to them, but I was tired. I drifted. I wandered through dreams that were just shapes and color.

My red blanket tightened and I felt immense weight pressing on me from all sides. My sense of safety was replaced by cold fear. My heart pounded and I felt it shaking every part of me. Everything contracted around me and I wanted to cry out, but I couldn't feel my tongue. Red walls squeezed in closer, and closer. A long dark tunnel stretched out before me.

Then, at the end, a bright light. Too much light. It seared as it passed over me. Suddenly, all the weight lifted away and I felt my limbs writhing in the light. Voices. Blurry faces. I heard a baby crying and crying.

 Oh my stars. I realized. That’s me.

From my opening chapter of The Second Time Around. Basic Summary here.

And we're off! My first day of 2020 NaNoWriMo has ended with immense success! I got up at 5:00AM this morning, did an hour work out, showered, made breakfast, brewed some Mango tea, and set to work on my project The Second Time Around. By the time 10:00AM rolled around, I had 2,244 words and after church, lunch, and some hangout time with a friend, I visited a coffee shop and set back to work for another 25 minutes. I'm ending the day with 3,046 words and some vague idea of where to go next! 😜

These screenshots are from an awesome writing app called Writometer. It is a truly wonderful writing app that has kept me motivated and helped me track my progress with many projects, including HANG ON. And guess what? IT'S NO LONGER ON THE APP STORE!  😢

I still have a long way to go to reach my final goal, this is just day one after all, but I'm feeling hopeful and optimistic today. So excited for writing tomorrow!


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