NaNoWriMo 2020: Failing with 20,000 words

It is now the eleventh hour on November 30th, and with just 20,004 words, I have officially failed NaNoWriMo 2020. The main reason for my lack of progress was an eleven-day hospital stay in which I was unable to write. I was stuck before then, but eleven days without access to writing material was the nail in the coffin. I'm disappointed in myself. I had an ambitious goal and I failed. But I decided to fail as well as I could, and this morning I did a 2,000 word sprint to 20,000 words over a Panera breakfast. I meant to share this news before my hospital stay, but never got around to it. Since it fits with this blog post's theme of failing well, I'll share it now. For those of you who have not heard of Pitch Wars, it's a massive writing competition where writers submit queries and first chapters to potential mentors (who are published authors/editors). These mentors then help the selected mentees polish their manuscripts and queries. Pitch Wars ends with an agent showca...