NaNoWriMo 2020 Prep!

It's official, I'm doing NaNoWriMo 2020!

My project this year is an existentially scary YA Sci-Fi Fantasy I am currently calling THE SECOND TIME AROUND. My word count goal is about 60k, which is 10k over the official goalposts but about the length I feel my novel will end up. Maybe. We'll see.

A brief description of my project:

After death, came yet another life. Humanity has been collectively reborn, many retaining the memories of their first lives. Everything is different, history has been rewritten. And yet, nothing has changed. The questions we have always asked about our origin, our purpose, and our final destination remain just as pressing as ever. But now there's a new question: Are we going around again?

In the first world, Kylie died tragically young. This time will be different, or so she hopes. But when the boy she loved in her first life rejects her in favor of the woman he ultimately grew old with and died beside, Kylie is crushed. Then she meets Connor. Connor is an "original," he does not remember the first world. In the midst of their blossoming relationship, Kylie is targeted by an organization called Rewrite. Determined to change the second world for the better, Rewrite is responsible for the second deaths of the likes of Hitler and Stalin, first-world mass-murderers hunted down and assassinated as soon as their second bodies are able to claim their identities. Rewrite is tracking a young man Kylie briefly befriended before her first death, someone Kylie felt immense compassion for. Caught between well-meaning extremists and her profound belief that the second world means a second chance, Kylie struggles to discern what's right. In the midst of this moral dilemma, Kylie learns about "pattern theory," the idea that souls in the second world are destined to follow the same paths and meet the same fates. The second world seemed like a second chance, but evidence is mounting that she will suffer the same tragically young death.

And in writing that summary, I have figured out another 40% of my outline. See y'all in November!


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